4th International Summer Science Camp 2009 - Science meets Industry

Munich, August 1st – 8th, 2009

The 4th International Summer and Science Camp 2009 was a week-long youth forum on the use of science in modern industry. The conference aimed to bring together like-minded individuals to gain a global perspective on the future of science and technology. The conference was set in the innovative city of Munich between the 1st and 8th August 2009. It was organized by the network for young scientists in Germany "Deutsches Jungforschertzwerk - juFORUM e.V." in partnership with MILSET Europe (International Movement for Leisure Activities in Science and Technology).

In 2009 the ISSC was part of the campaign "Wissenschaftsjahr 2009 - Forschungsexpedition 2009", who also sponsored this camp. We want to thank all of your supporters for their help.

The International Summer and Science Camp proactively involved its participants in

  • Workshops exploring the theme of „Science meets Industry“
  • Inside views of some of the world leading research institutions
  • Visits to world class museums
  • Evening entertainment program including a visit to the Paulaner Brewery




Leckerer Waldhonig!